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managing roles

the GenB contents management site allows access by users with different profiles or work functions. Each user must have a set of roles that profile the functions that he can perform.

the GenBnet Roles management site allows a set of limitation policies to be defined for each of the desired work roles. Each user can have as many roles associated as necessary.

in the adoption of multiple roles, GenBnet always applies the most restrictive policies. For example, two policies for the same read function, if the first is for access to "any" record and the second is access to "own" records, the prevailing policy will be the second because it is the most restrictive.

NOTE: GenBnet has a total access role "admin" assigned to the basic user or administrator. This role cannot be modified or removed and will always be associated, at least, with the administrator.

in the "Administración" zone in the GenBnet "center" page there is a link to role management

by clicking on "Roles" you access the role list:

when you click on the icon next to each role, the set of policies associated with it drops down.

at the end of the list there is a link for access to the new role initialization form: link insert new role Insert new role.

the role modification/insertion form is accessed by clicking on the name of the role or on "Insert new role":

description role form parameters

Name: [required] Short name used to designate the role.

Description: [optional] short text describing the role.

Policies: [required] list of policies applicable to the role. Every policy is defined by four parameters:

Function: indicates which operations the policy affects. The different types of function are: -. read -. create -. edit -. remove

Area: section or module the policy affects. Values available for this parameter are the set of GenB modules operational for the organization plus a wildcard '*' to indicate that the policy will affect the total set of Areas available.

Templates: Parameter for specifying the policy application field. The values available for this parameter are the set of Data templates associated with the module selected in "Area". For those areas not based on data templates, only the wildcard option '*' appears.

Property: the "Property" parameter designates the scope of the policy in so far as the authorship or property of the affected records. "Property" could have the values:
-. any: The policy is aplicable to the records of any author/user.
-. own: The policy is restrictive, being applicable to only those records created by the user himself.
-. None: the policy is totally restrictive. This option converts the policy in limitation, denying access to a function, area and designated templates.

NOTE: access restriction or limitation policies always prevail over less restrictive policies. Policy application order in the set of roles assigned to a user is always from less to more limitation or restriction.

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