Genb web content management system for use with MacromediaŽ DreamweaverŽ
GenB by Inte. Web content management system wcms  cat  cas  eng
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99.9% Server Performance Reliability
we maintain a server performance reliability of 99.9% each month. Failing we will credit the discount on your next account acording to the SLA.
rapid deployment
because GenB is entirely web-based, it's ready to use as soon as you've signed up, without any lengthy installation process.
ultralight interface
the GenBnet contents manager has an extremely agile interface. The weight of the pages is extraordinarily reduced and the editing of contents is reached with a maximum of three mouse clicks.
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01.  GenB's software service is more affordable.
there is only a monthly fee, starting at 54EUR/month. Implementation and customization is easily integrated through the design and site construction.

02.  GenB's software service is easier to set up.
the set up is an instant process so it is ready as fast as you fill the online subscription.
Consider that most packed CMS needs complex server setup. This problems when the site is hosted on a non dedicated server

-.set up of a typical CMS package average: 10h.
-.set up of GenB: 5 minutes.

03.  GenB's software service have a faster deployment.
a GenB site is typically live in 1 to 2 weeks.

ie. to "dynamize contents" of a small site (50 pages based on 10 different page templates)
-.hand-crafted HTML pages: 100h
-.bespoken cms Developement: 60h (if you have experience, background, and it's not your firts time).
-.with GenB extensions for Dreamweaver: 10h (if you don't have experience, and it's your first time).

04.  save money.
save money with a software service, even for a small site.

see the TCO Total Cost of Ownership.

05.  software services are lower risk.
if customers aren't satisfied, they turn the service off.  Therefore, GenB works until our clients are happy with their customized service. 
Despite of this, we have retained 100% of our clients since 2002, our first year of operation.

06.  GenB's software service provides better service
inte bills monthly, and so needs to keep our customers happy to keep them. Inte prides itself on its service, and guarantees service levels and response times in a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with every client or reseller.

07.  GenB is more stable and is allways up-to-date
our oldest customers are on the same version of the software as our newest. Working with a continuously updated service, we will assure protection against errors and we will always enjoy all new features.

08.  GenB is a reliable service
inte invoices monthly for our software, and covers 100% of operating costs with contracted monthly billing.  We have the most reliable income stream and predictable costs of any company in the content management sector. We don't have the wild swings in income that traditional software companies do. We are inherently more stable, more reliable, and more predictably profitable. Compare our future to that of competing installed products. Which product is most likely to be supported three years from now?

09.  GenB integration is "zero code"
unlike many content management software, where complex integrations and implementations can only be done by experienced developers, GenB provides a complete WYSIWYG developer environment integrated as an extension for MacromediaŽ DreamweaverŽ MX. Even designers without programing knowldege don't lose any control.

10.  for the end user, fast and easy.
most common Open Source is packed with gratuitous features at the expense of usability and user experience. GenBnet is focused on the "fast & easy to use". The weight of the pages is extraordinarily reduced and the editing of contents is reached with a maximum of three mouse clicks.

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Š inte. Barcelona 2004 legal notice