Genb web content management system for use with MacromediaŽ DreamweaverŽ
GenB by Inte. Web content management system wcms  cat  cas  eng
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GenB is multilingual
all modalities of GenB service allows you to manage contents in different languages. You can start by managing a language and instantaneously grow while incorporating contents in new languages.
ultralight interface
the GenBnet contents manager has an extremely agile interface. The weight of the pages is extraordinarily reduced and the editing of contents is reached with a maximum of three mouse clicks.
don't limitate creativity
GenB is not based on pre-established templates. Use Dreamveawer to place the contents according to your graphic design
genb is a wcms
GenB is not simply a contents management system CMS. Its web-site management orientation contributes additional functionalities to allow interaction with the user (e.g., management of e-mail and newsletter mailings, collecting information in forms...).
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GenB is a Web Contents Management System W-CMS* with an easy and fast deployment, and additional functionalities to allow interaction with the user.

(*) the sites based on a CMS "Content Management Systems" are those whose content you can rewritte without editting or reprograming the web pages that compose the site.

a product as a service. GenB is licensed on a monthly basis. The price includes all online support, software, hardward, hosting, updates, ...

all service subscription modalities have a 30-day trial period.

GenB is available as a service for the "end customer" and as a free distribution platform especially aimed at web developers, design studios, creative individuals and Internet agencies.

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easy deployment . One of the main purposes of GenB is to provide the integration of the contents manager throughout the creative process. GenB integration is therefore intended to achieve "zero programation" development in which the creative html setup team itself can develop the contents models in "WYSIWYG" visual form.

in order to make easy the integration, GenB uses the DreamweaverŽ MX expansion capacity providing specific extensions "GenB Extensions" to make all integration tasks within the visual design view of DreamweaverŽ.

GenB applications as an example, with GenB we can develope, manage, ...:
  • news archives, events lists,...
  • user data caption: subscriptions, online registrations, orders, ...
  • email submit of: newsletter, data coming from forms, subscription confirmation ...
  • product catalogs, document archives
  • e-newsletter management and distribution.
  • send pictures from catalog by mail.
  • individual pages whose content we wish to maintain updated.
  • surveys, votings...
  • contributed faqs.
  • flash contents control.
  • restricted areas "extranets/intranets".

modular structure of GenB service GenB is a service structured by modules accordingly to the functionalities and treatment of contents.
  • module authentication: oriented to the management of restricted access areas.
  • module generics: oriented to the management of individual contents.
  • module products: oriented to the management of product catalogs, documents, ...
  • module news: oriented to the management of events, news, press resources, ...
  • module registries: oriented to the management of information provided by the end user.
  • module newsletters: oriented to the management of email document distribution.
  • module polls: on-line voting management.

  • page contents based on user defined templates.
  • data templates based on multiple field types: text, short text, document, open lists, closed lists (radio button, checkbox, menus), images, documents, video.
  • incorporation of graphical resources and documents totally integrated in the forms (management by means of browser upload avoiding the use of external tools like FTP).
  • shipment of E-mails in html without the need of programing.
  • management of distribution lists.
  • document distribution in html format.
  • capture and storage of data (graphical text, resources and/or documents) from your web site by means of simple html forms.
  • management of multilingual web sites.
  • contents management intranet in english, espanish and catalan.
  • multiuser contents management intranet with role and limitation policies management.
  • contents management intranet with look&feel personalizeable by each reseller or end user.
  • import and export contents in XML format (XML files for translation systems).

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Š inte. Barcelona 2004 legal notice